Invited Speakers
Keynote Speakers
Prof Maria Eriksdotter
Karolinska Institutet
Prof Susan Kurrle AO
Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital
Invited Speakers
Prof Lewis Chan
Concord Repatriation General Hospital
Dr Madeleine Healy
Monash Health
Prof Sarah Hilmer
Royal North Shore Hospital
Prof Lee-Fay Low
The University of Sydney
Dr Oliver Menzies
Te Toka Tumai Auckland
A/Prof Danielle Ni Chroinin
Liverpool Hospital
Dr Joan O’Donnell
The Institute of Driver Health P/L
Dr Susan Ogle
Royal North Shore Hospital
Dr Fiona Tran
Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital
Prof Renuka Visvanathan
University of Adelaide
Dr Stephanie Ward
Sydney’s Prince of Wales Hospital
Prof Rosie Watson
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Prof Richard Lindley
The University of Sydney
Dr Elissa Campbell
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Prof Vasi Naganathan
The University of Sydney
Dr Amandeep Hansra
Australian Digital Health Agency
Prof Andrew Teodorczuk
The Prince Charles Hospital
Dr Sarah Baldwin
The University of NSW
A/Prof Paul Yates
Austin Health
Dr Grace Pearson
Royal United Hospital
Dr Janani Thillainadesan
Concord Hospital
Prof Dina LoGiudice
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Dr Rhiann Sue See
Queensland Health
Dr Robyn McCarthy
Concord Hospital
A/Prof Chris Moran
The Alfred Hospital
Prof Alison Mudge
Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital